Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City

Frederik Bille Brahe

Chapter 1: New York City

New York City: Our culinary world tour, which marks the rollout of chef Frederik Bille Brahe’s Atelier September: A place for daytime cooking, the first cookbook dedicated to his renowned Danish restaurant, continued this month with a special US launch at New York’s Hudson Wilder on February 10. Following events in Copenhagen, Berlin, and Paris, Frederik joined Apartamento contributor Camille Okhio for the first public Q&A dedicated to his new cookbook, part of which is excerpted below. A whole block of friends hung around to share a drink and have their copy of the sold-out first print run signed by Frederik. (Don’t worry—a second batch is available now!)

Waylon Bone, long-time Apartamento collaborator (check out his short films on Duane Michals and Clayton Patterson), spent the day with Frederik in the lead up to the launch, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Atelier September as well as his culinary journey thus far. This video diary is the first in a series capturing Frederik’s travels as we join the chef in bringing A.S staples to readers around the world. Stay tuned for more!

P.S. For more on Frederik, watch the short film we put together alongside his first ever cookbook, All the Stuff We Cooked, which we published back in 2020. 

Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City

What is your first memory of food? A smell, a taste, or a colour?

It’s all three together. It’s very clear to me: It was in my father’s garden, eating fennel. I remember the taste because he said it was a liquorice. He always tried to trick us kids into eating vegetables by saying it was candy.

You write a lot in the book about how memories, images, and feelings influence your cooking. Can you tell us about a few colours or textures or activities that connect to a specific ingredient or dish in your mind?

It’s a bit difficult to talk about here because it’s very personal.

But it’s something that happens in the moment, you know? Every time I cook with sage, it reminds me of my father and my grandfather because we had a sage bush at home, something that my grandfather brought from Italy.

Olive oil is also sort of religious in a way. It has a meaning in history, like in Egypt where they would shower in olive oil, treat their skin with it. I imagine these values introduced into the olive oil as this soul. And then when you cook a dish, if you add olive oil, you put soul into the dish.

Do you have a favourite recipe in the book?

I want to borrow the book and look through it … Um. Porridge. Hilarious.

You write about limitations birthing ideas. Can you speak more about that or give some examples?

I had the chance to open Atelier September, which was in a brocante shop, in a space that was not made for cooking. There was no kitchen, there was no exhaust, there was no licence for alcohol, and there was no allowance to stay open in the evening.

Did you break a lot of rules?

Yes, but I was so eager to say something with cooking that I never saw the limitations. I sort of bent towards them. If I had found another place where I could do dinner, I would have done all the typical things that a chef would like to do. However, it was impossible. So, where normally you would serve wine, I would serve coffee, juices, and green tea that I love. It made me import my tea directly from Japan because otherwise I couldn’t afford to serve it. It made me cook in a different way. And there were no restaurants like that in Copenhagen. It pushed me into a scene where I did something that was out of the norm. So I think all these limitations actually created the thing, the magic.

So, a larger question: What is your philosophy for living?

I think there’s something about generosity and trust that is very important for me. In my cooking and in my family life, there is a balance between trying to organise and then also allowing things to happen as they do. In the moment, you might be like, ‘Oh, this is not as it should be’. But when you look back, there is always some sort of wisdom to how things play out. Therefore, when you actually try to do your best and you also treat people with respect, it comes out really good. And it’s the same thing with cooking. If you choose beautiful products, and you cook simply with them, it also comes out nice.

Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City
Apartamento Magazine - Frederik Bille Brahe <p> Chapter 1: New York City


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Apartamento launched in 2008 with its namesake magazine, widely recognised as today’s most influential, inspiring, and honest interiors publication. Its publishing branch began in 2015 as a natural extension of the stories and ideas that have grown out of the magazine. In addition to its monographs and photo books, its catalogue also includes thematic cookbooks, architecture series, colouring books, and even a graphic novel.

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