
Lucia Di Luciano

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Waylon Bone

Frederik Bille Brahe

Chapter 2: Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen: Tracing the flickers of his sharp mind in moments of stillness, Chapter 2:…

Dasza Wasiak

Roman Recipes for Modern Cooks – Signing in London

Our first launch in the new year celebrated Roman Recipes for Modern Cooks by…

Sally Grainger

Salsa Verde with Mullet – Roman Recipes for Modern Cooks

Another sauce for grilled mullet: rue, mint, coriander, fennel, all of them green; pepper,…

Elena Saavedra Buckley


Originally published in Apartamento magazine issue #34   I rented a 10-foot U-Haul to move…

Niklas Adrian Vindelev

Dinner in Atelier September

with Frederik Bille Brahe

A year ago, we embarked on a culinary voyage with chef Frederik Bille Brahe,…

Apartamento, Waylon Bone

Mel Odom – Gorgeous! – Signing in New York

In his adopted home of New York City, we celebrated the launch of Mel…


Casa O,
Enrique Olvera

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Sally Grainger

Roman Recipes for Modern Cooks

Sally Grainger’s Roman Recipes for Modern Cooks spins decades of experimentation with ancient recipes…

Katharina Volckmer


There’s a room in every house where the light is best. In my parents’…

Marta Echaves, Angela Suarez

Guillermo Santomà

Cornellà de Llobregat: One day, Guillermo Santomà sent me a DM on Instagram to…

Claudia Durastanti, Hans Neumann, SAGG Napoli

SAGG Napoli

Presicce-Acquarica: Call it poetic justice, but there’s something deeply satisfying about interviewing an artist…

Apartamento, Agata Ferrando

Apartamento ❤️ Canvis Nous

Following our spectacular Paris launch, we celebrated the release of Apartamento issue #34 in…

Jiro Hsu & Michael Janczewski


Featured in Apartamento Cookbook #9: SANDIWCHES!, illustrated by Orfeo Tagiuri.   ‘Husband and wife lung…

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