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  • Paris: It was the last week of summer and we were going to eat lamb chops. The rest of us were dressed down, practically schlubby with exhaustion; it was the end of holidays. But Yasmine Dubois showed up in a pink silk dress, her long braids swaying. She wore knee-high white lace socks that tied...

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  • Paris: When I first moved to Paris, I went through a process common to most foreigners arriving in a new city—haphazardly but carefully tracking down a few locales that will soon become your regulars and keep you feeling grounded while you otherwise fumble through the adjustment. Yvon’s bookshop was one of those places for me;...

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  • One family, one room Helsinki: Until I turned twenty I lived with my grandparents in a small town in Southern Finland. My grandfather Yrjö is an interior designer and my grandmother Irmeli is a graphic artist. My grandfather taught me the philosophy behind functionalism, how to climb trees and how to do a handstand. I...

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  • Text by Cameron Allan McKean

    Yoyogi Park

    The clothes on our bodies are sweaty and we wear them to bed. Waking up fully clothed with more sweat forming into beads under the cotton fabric; the sun is hot, coming through a partially open window (we opened it last night at 4am in case we needed to escape during the night). It feels...

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  • The Camelot Solution We heard about Camelot for the first time when Yorgo Tloupas, Editor-in-chief of Intersection magazine, visited Milan last April and told us about how incredibly cheap his rent in London, was £60 per week, while living in a beautiful huge building. Shortly after we realised it was not just Yorgo’s case but a...

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  • Movies & TV series London: I didn’t have the chance to meet Yorgos Lanthimos in person. We did this conversation over the phone, with him sitting in his neat and bright pad in London and me hiding in my brother’s cavernous bedroom trying not to get... Read more

  • It’s not nice to admit to ourselves that we’re swayed by material things when it comes to matters of the heart, but early on in a relationship I can be instantly turned off by certain things—futons; Sony PlayStations; an excess of sporting paraphernalia. It’s not that these possessions are a measure of status: it’s that...

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