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  • We’ve been growing together. We’re in the age of Apartamento now. I say this casually, like the magazine-cum-institution itself. We’re celebrating every day, whether or not we’re living well or easily. Today is no different. There is a collective ‘we’ in Apartamento. But it is probably hard to talk about stuff through the lens of…

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  • Text by Kaisha Davierwalla & Andrea Grecucci

    Ugo La Pietra

    Milan: Many creatives of Italy’s bygone era are referred to as ‘Architetto’, irrespective of whether or not they’re really architects. Hence, when we met Ugo for the first time, that is what we called him too. He responded promptly, ‘No no! Non sono un’architetto!’ This is Ugo in his essence. It’s been his life’s pursuit to…

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  • Wes Anderson Photography courtesy of American Empirical Pictures The characters from his movies have lived in houses, hotels, schools, boats, trains, trees, scout camps, on islands, and on beaches; he personally lives in New York but likes to spend time in Paris. This is where I met him, late one afternoon in early December. In…

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  • I was born in Manhattan but my family moved to the suburbs of New Jersey when I was very young. We still spent a lot of time in the city, especially visiting friends on the Upper West Side. At that time my impression of the Upper West Side was that it was a kind of…

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  • Genpei Akasegawa discovered the first ‘Thomasson’ in 1972. Returning to work from lunch he noticed something peculiar about an otherwise unremarkable staircase. Leading from the footpath and running alongside an old hotel, this humble stone stair was only about one-metre high. It had two facing flights and a new timber balustrade flanking the open side….

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